Opening hours


Wednesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Monday closed,
Tuesday open for groups by appointment only.


Adjusted opening hours


  • Carnavalszaterdag en -zondag
  • Eerste kerstdag
  • Oudjaarsdag
  • Nieuwjaarsdag


Afwijkende openingstijden 

Op tweede kerstdag is het museum geopend van 12:00 tot 16:00 uur.



Loop mee met de gratis rondleiding op:
woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag om 11.00 uur én 14.00 uur.
En op zaterdag en zondag om 14:00 uur.

Or book your own guided tour
on request, for groups of up to 12 people.




Tickets for the Kessels Museum can be purchased at the museum box office
or through our webshop. On presentation of the e-ticket you can enter.
(On ticket sales through the webshop we charge 1 euro administration fee per transaction)


Entrance fees


Volwassenen: € 10,00
Kinderen 5 t/m 12 jaar: € 5,00
Kinderen t/m 4 jaar: gratis
Museumkaart of ICOM-pas: gratis
Studentenkaart, CJP of CKV pas: 50% korting

Primary and secondary school groups:
Per pupil € 5.00
Per accompanying person € 10,00
Including guided tour and teaching materials

Group with guide on request (max. 12 people):
€ 50.00 excl. entrance fee.
For larger groups several guides will be hired at € 50,00 excl. entrance fee.

Children's party (max. 8 children):
Per child: € 5,00
Per companion: € 10,00





The Kessels Museum is accessible to all and is wheelchair friendly.
There is an elevator in the House of Music.
Guide and assistance dogs are welcome in the museum.




The Kessels Museum is housed in the House of Music.

Stationsstraat 26
5038 ED Tilburg
Telephone: +31(0)13 590 72 24
E-mail: education (education) / workshops / parties:


The Kessels Museum is about 200 meters walking distance from the Tilburg NS Station.

Cyclists can use the free parking at the station.

You can park in one of the parking garages in the area.
Parking garage Knegtel and Parking garage Pieter Vreedeplein are both about a 10-minute walk away.



Restaurant De Harmonie is located on the first floor of the House of Music.
Current opening hours can be found on the website.



The Kessels Museum is located in the House of Music